This series of tutorials teaches modding Minecraft version 1.12 using Forge.
This tutorial series does not teach Java. You should already know Java before you try to mod Minecraft.
- Setting up the Development Environment
- Main Mod Class
- Proxy System
- Basic Items
- JSON Item Models
- Basic Blocks
- Basic Forge Blockstates
- Localization
- Crops
- Creative Tabs
- Advanced Creative Tabs
- Crafting Recipes
- Smelting Recipes
- Ore Dictionary
- JSON Block Models
- Food
- Tools
- Armor
- World Generation: Ore
- World Generation: Tree
- World Generation: Structure
- mcmod.info
- Tile Entities
- Tile Entities with Inventory
- Tile Entities with Inventory GUI
- Dynamic Tile Entity Rendering
- Advanced GUIs with Widgets
- Energy API - RF - Items
- Energy API - RF - Blocks
- Energy API - RF - GUI Widget
- Energy API - Forge Energy - Items
- Energy API - Forge Energy - Blocks
- Energy API - Forge Energy - GUI Widget
- Configuration
- Packets and Packet Handlers
- Event Handling
- Keybindings
- Commands
Other Resources
- Forge Forum
- Forge Docs
- #minecraftforge (esper) IRC
- TheGreyGhostâs Blog
- MinecraftByExample