Goddamn, that was a fantastic episode.
The magic sonic screwdriver fixer gizmo was even more unbelievable magic than regular Trek.
How many planetary sterilization patterns does the Tal Shiar need?
Seven was right, but I sure enjoyed seeing Narissa fall to her death.
Yay, Riker and Starfleet showed up to save the day!
Wouldn’t it have made sense for ‘Acting Captain’ Riker to be at least an admiral if he was commanding a fleet of hundreds of starships?
It looked like there was exactly one class of Starfleet ship present in that massive fleet (same goes for the Romulans). It makes sense to send the ships that are good at fighting, but I enjoyed the TNG-era massive battles with a hodge-podge of different ship types.
Not culminating in a giant battle with Starfleet vs the Tal Shiar was definitely the right decision, but damn, it would have looked amazing.
I really liked Data’s send off. Infinitely better than more meaningful than Nemesis.
Speaking of Data, Brent Spiner can still do a fantastic job portraying him.
That said, Soong had Data just sitting in a box that whole time? Did the androids ever meet him?
I saw the whole ‘Picard’s mind gets dumped into a new body’ thing coming from a mile away, what with the second season having been confirmed already.
They finally confirmed that Seven is bi, which they chickened out of in one of the earlier episodes.
Narek seemed to just disappear without any mention.
There were some weird bits, but overall that was a very good episode.